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Max Pappenheim

A Composer and Sound Designer

What shows or projects have you done with ETT?

The Funeral Director; Testmatch; Bedtime Stories

Where is home for you?

South London

Where is your home away from home?


Touring is important because theatre belongs in a local community, not just amid the bright lights of the big cities

"There is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is being misquoted"

Which artist(s) do you most admire and why?

Any and every who keeps learning about themselves.

What music inspires you?

Heinrich Shütz

What piece of writing or quote inspires you?

“There is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is being misquoted”

What, for you, makes a good piece of art?

That it makes people go quiet, just for a moment.

What have been your career highlights so far?

I’ve been privileged to be part of bringing a number of new plays to their first productions, and consider every one a highlight.

If you were cast away on a desert island, which 5 plays would you take with you and why?

The Oresteia; The Cardinal; The Party; More Light; The Children

What you would say to emerging artists to encourage them to take their work on the road or join an ETT tour?

Take your ideas out to people. They’ll be more receptive than if they’ve had to come to you!

Window or aisle seat?


Favourite way to travel?


If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?

To make everybody fall silent at will.

Our industry is currently experiencing an incredibly challenging time. Do you have any recommendations for others of how to stay hopeful and creative during this time?

People want to gather and experience stories together – they will again soon, and in the meantime every experience we each have will make us a better storyteller.

People want to gather and experience stories together - they will again soon, and in the meantime every experience we each have will make us a better storyteller.