by Chris Bush
Read by Sophie Melville
Directed by Jennifer Bakst, with sound design by Helen Atkinson.
The theme tune was composed by Max Pappenheim.
This refusal to be contained meant my people remained boundless – in geography and in imagination. A great-great-uncle on my mother’s side grew tired of the constraints of gravity, and opted to live amongst the clouds instead, where there are fewer walls and arguments. Not to be outdone, his sister began to proselytise against the tyranny of three dimensions, and through a combination of early morning breathing exercises and fish oil supplements managed to access a fourth, a fifth, a sixth, and at that point lost count, because numbers no longer understood her.
The story of a giant – a vast, happy, enormous giant. But when a cataclysmic event changes the world and means everyone has to stay indoors for a while – even giants – something begins to change, things become tighter, smaller, and nobody knows if things will ever quite be the same… Can we ever feel as big and as free as we did before?